Monday 15 June 2015

The past month

Well it has been awhile since my last post. Our life has been busy and we have done a lot of relaxing, which has been really nice. As of last Thursday, David has been out of the hospital for a month!!! It has been so nice to be out of that place. But we will be forever grateful to all the doctors, nurses and everyone else who has helped with David's recovery. So over the last month we have been busy visiting family, friends and all the people that helped David the day of the accident. It has been so fun to see the reaction of the EMT's and everyone who was there at the accident. They can not believe the progress that he has made. :)

So other then just relaxing we have been back to Calgary a few times for Davids assessments. David will be doing all his rehab in Calgary and we start tomorrow. :) We will go up to Calgary on Tuesday and stay over till Thursday afternoon. He will be doing rehab 3 days and week, 4 hours a day. He is going to be busy and tired but it's only going to help him. 

I still can't believe that David is out of the hospital and things have been going so well for him. I am so grateful for all that we have been blessed with, and I can not thank my Heavenly Father enough. I am also so grateful for all the love and support that we have got through this trial. The words thank you do not seem to be enough!!!! We love you all so much!! 

I found a quote that I love…….

Thanks again for reading….:)